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Jessica Adams, D.O.

Medical School: VCOM - Auburn

Interests: Trauma

Hobbies: Traveling

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Daniel Dagenhart, D.O.

Medical School: William Carey University

Interests: Tubes galore (Thoracostomy, Intubation, etc)

Hobbies: Video games, Running, Eating excessive amounts of food

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Anna Martin, D.O.

Medical School: Lake Erie COM

Medical Interests: Resuscitations, Trauma, Procedures

Hobbies: Traveling, Beach, Spending time with my husband and kids. 

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Nicholas Prewitt, M.D.

Medical School: Oakland University

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Hannah Sodergren, D.O

Medical School: Pacific Northwest University

Interests: EMS

Hobbies: Spending time outside with my Siberian Husky

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Krystal Tinney, M.D.

Medical School: St. George's University

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Justin Clay, M.D.

Medical School: Medical College of Georgia

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Alex Maquiera, D.O.

Medical School: Alabama COM

Hobbies: Gym, Rio (my dog son), beach, boating, music, Florida ('til I die)

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NIcholas Murphy, D.O.

Medical School: Kansas City University

Medical Interests: EKGs, Echos, Anything with the heart​

Hobbies: Fishing, Boating, Sports

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Courtney Smith, M.D.

Medical School: Medical College of Wisconsin

Medical Interests: Global Health, Ultrasound

Hobbies: Thrifting, Running my eBay store, Disney World and Universal Studios

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Rebecca Thomas, D.O.

Medical School: Rocky Vista University

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Zsa Zsa Whyce, D.O.

Medical School: Philadelphia COM

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