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Residency Curriculum
Clinical Rotations
Our curriculum is divided into 13 four-week-long blocks per year.
Shifts per EM block: 17 PGY-1, 18 PGY-2, 17 PGY-3
- All EM blocks are a mix of day shifts, afternoon shifts, and night shifts.
- All shifts are a mixture of adult and pediatric patients.
- All shifts are a mixture of low-acuity and high-acuity, critical patients.
Day shifts: 12-hour shifts (11 hours clinical + 1 hour dedicated charting)
Night shifts: 10-hour shifts (9 hours clinical +1 hour dedicated charting)
Day shifts: 10-hour shifts (9 hours clinical + 1 hour dedicated charting)
Night shifts: 8-hour shifts (7 hours clinical +1 hour dedicated charting)
Day shifts: 10-hour shifts (9 hours clinical + 1 hour dedicated charting)
Night shifts: 8-hour shifts (7 hours clinical +1 hour dedicated charting)
The cultural, economic, and geographic diversity of the Greater Jacksonville region provides our program with a vast patient population and a variety of clinical settings. This gives our residents an exciting, challenging, and well-rounded training experience.
The majority of our residents' training occurs at Orange Park Medical Center. Of all Clay County area hospitals, OPMC has the busiest emergency department as well as a Level 2 Trauma Center, Comprehensive Stroke Center, and STEMI center. In the information contained below you will find details on each year’s curriculum, schedules, and specific rotations.
(# block(s) - Rotation)
1 - Orientation / EM - July of start year
9 - EM
1 - Elective / EM
1 - PICU
1 - Anesthesia / Ultrasound / Research
1 - MICU
The goal of the first year is to build the basic knowledge and procedural skills needed to practice Emergency Medicine. Ten blocks are dedicated to emergency medicine rotations at Orange Park Medical Center as well as the Park West and Normandy Park Free Standing Emergency Departments. Weeks on MICU, Anesthesia, Emergency Ultrasound, and EMS complement the ED time.
9 - EM
1 - MICU
1 - Elective
1- OB / US / Research
During the second year, PGY2 residents refine their skills in general emergency medicine and spend a total of ten blocks in the Emergency Department. As a PGY2, more emphasis is placed on critical care emergency medicine, with rotations in surgical and medical intensive care units. During this year, a block is reserved for elective time where residents can explore international health, ultrasound, EMS, wilderness medicine, or design their own experience.
10 - EM
1 - Elective
1 - MICU
1 - Administration / Ultrasound
The third year resident has supervisory and teaching roles in the ED while continuing their education in critical care and trauma. PGY3 residents direct junior residents in the Emergency Department The third year of residency also focuses on department management and teaching. During this year, there is additional time spent in the MICU at Memorial Hospital (our sister hospital in Jacksonville, FL) and an administrative rotation. There is also elective time, like that in the PGY2 year, which can be devoted to any area of interest.
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